
“Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn’t change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon” James 1: 17.
Thank you God that You are good. Goodness is your nature and character. You-Goodness is your name. Thank you that You-Goodness transcends the chasm between earth and heaven… coming down to us from your heavenly realm. We see You-Goodness in nature… we see You-Goodness in Your providence and grace reaching out in rescuing love through the spiritual blessings given in Christ.
You do not desire us to be separated from You-Goodness. You are our creator and as your children, we belong to you. And yet, we left goodness and Your presence … we left You-Goodness and sought out sin.
Thank you for providing a way for us to return back to You-Goodness. You, who designed the celestial light of the sun, moon, and the stars, have given us the light of your goodness. This light does not change or diminish because it is You-Goodness. You-Goodness cannot be eclipsed. You are always good. Thank you for lighting our way back to You- Goodness.