Vacation Bible School

“Oh sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. The LORD has made known his salvation; he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations. (Psalms 98: 1).”
God’s great cathedral of nature is full of magnificent harmonies. The heavens rejoice; the earth sings; the sea and the fullness therein roar in deep-toned bass; the fields with all they contain, and the trees of the woodland with their ten thousand tongues, peal forth melodies and clap their hands. Such is creation’s chorus, yet the laziest in song, is man. Why aren’t our voices loudest, noblest, and heartiest?
Let’s rouse to duty! We have been music-less too long, prosaic too long, dormant and mute too long, ungrateful and selfish too long. Today we are summoned to song, to action, and to thankfulness.
O sing unto the Lord a new song. And why a “new” song? Because new mercies, new deliverance, new gifts, new triumphs, demand new songs. God’s “marvelous things” are many. They are seen in creation, in providence, in redemption, in grace, in the world, in the Church, in nations, in families, and in individuals. Everywhere in His theatre of action are His wonders manifest. It is impossible for us to be praise-less, if we but pause and recount our Father’s gracious dealings, manifold mercies, and wondrous goodness towards us.
Many theologians attribute this psalm to the coming of Jesus Christ, Messiah. Who else, but to Messiah, does this prophetic finger point. Every privilege, every blessing, every gift, every enjoyment, every mercy crowded into our daily lives, flows to us through Christ’s Divinity which, blending with humanity, satisfied the claims of holiness, and instituted peace between heaven and earth. He the God-man; born in flesh became the perfect sacrifice of atonement for our shame, reconciled us back to holy God. For without Him, we can do nothing. Have we then, no song to sing to Him; He who has done such “marvelous things”?
This summer thousands of children will gather to worship Christ our Lord and King during Vacation Bible School aka VBS. One such child was heard proclaiming amidst much wiggling, giggling, dancing and praise, “God hears my worship!” Will God hear yours?
•Pray for children to not only learn, but to remember the words of the songs for the rest of their lives.
•Pray that these words of truth will continue to provide insight into God’s character as the children grow up in a world that is full of deception, coercion and falsehood.
•Pray that God will use VBS to grow and develop mighty workers for His harvest.