Tormented by Fear…

Obadiah is a man of strong faith, though his understanding is incomplete. Like the masses around him, his knowledge is veiled. He has heard the Truth from many. Obadiah listens intently to the stories, even has a Bible to read in his home and yet, he is still without hope. His wife Natalie reminds him to pray five times a day out of fear that they will be found wanting in the Day of Judgment. She worries that her good deeds won’t be enough to cover daily sins, let alone her monthly uncleanness. Faithfully, tenaciously she cleans, she prays, she does her duty, intently longing for freedom from fears insidious grip.
Many have interceded for Obadiah and Natalie. Many have poured their heart out to the Lord on their behalf, asking God to reveal His presence, favor and mercy to them. Will they ever understand and move into real faith? Will they ever be transformed and changed by the good news of Christ?
Ti 1:6-10
“You received a gift from God when I placed my hands on you to ordain you. Now I’m reminding you to fan that gift into flames. God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit, but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord or be ashamed of me, his prisoner. Instead, by God’s power, join me in suffering for the sake of the Good News. God saved us and called us to be holy, not because of what we had done, but because of his own plan and kindness. Before the world began, God planned that Christ Jesus would show us God’s kindness. Now with the coming of our Savior Christ Jesus, he has revealed it. Christ has destroyed death, and through the Good News he has brought eternal life into full view”.
Holy Father, kindle up a fire within us. Fan us, ignite the glowing embers in us with a heavenly bellows full of Your Holy Spirit so that Your glory will burn ever brighter. Yes, Lord Christ stir up the sparks of Your glory in us. For You said, “To all who have, more will be given, and they will have more than enough” (Matthew 25: 29). So by Your mercy and in Your grace, we plead for Your Holy Spirit to set us on fire. “Burn brightly in our hearts” so that all the world will see (Luke 24:32). Give us an extra measure of grace in those opportunities that You provide; we ask for a spirit of boldness with good judgment, but most of all, we ask for love. We pray that Your love, Christ in us, will overflow.
Help us to live a holy calling (Ephesians 4:1; Hebrews 3: 1) and not be ashamed of this gospel, or to shrink back during times of trials, difficulties and persecutions, so that people will be saved from sin; the spirit of bondage, and tormenting fear. We pray all this in Your Holy Name, Christ our Lord, Amen
Additional Prayers
• We pray for Muslims all around the world who are praying and fasting during Ramadan. We pray that Christ Jesus will be revealed.
• We pray that Your people, who You have called in Your name will spontaneously combust with love .
• We pray that You will reveal and open the eyes of Your Followers to see those around us who live in a dark place, tormented in fear and are in need of a Savior.