YHWH… The God Of History And Present

I love it when the house is peaceful and still, long before dawn… with the smell of hot, steamy coffee brewing on the stove, listening to the familiar background noises of home… tick, tick, tick of the clocks. I know it must sound batty, but sometimes, I imagine my clocks have come to life with a flip of the lights, reminding me that the new day has begun.
The bossy little kitchen clock, perched over the sink, with her loud and clamoring voice, Tick, Tock, Tock, Tick… “A second, a second, pardon me, but… A second, a second, if you please… A second”!
While Old Grandfather-Time, the solitary and serene sentry stands quiet as a mouse, until top of the hour and then as if moving stiff, arthritic joints, the clicking of gears signal, “Bong, Bong… the hour has come, Bong, the hour… Bong, Bong… has come”.
But worst of all are the acrid accusations attesting to inner fears and machinations, “Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo”, cries the bird before tucking safe back into tiny house.
Time is a funny thing… You don’t really miss it until it is gone. And isn’t that the way of it. As parents, we long for the day when our newly delivered bundle of joy will sleep through the night for the first time and then years later looking back, we intensely ache for those days when they didn’t… cradling sweet pleasure in loves warm embrace, gazing intently and drinking in innocence’s face.
“The life of man is but a breath” (Job 7:7). “It blossoms like a flower in the field [and] when the wind blows over the flower, it disappears, and there is no longer any sign of it” (Psalms 103: 15-16). We do well by spending time wisely.
“Happy is the one who reads this book, and happy are those who listen to the words of this prophetic message and obey what is written in this book! For the time is near when all these things will happen” (Rev 1:3).
I am praying for you… that you will see your need for Yahweh today. He is the God of history, God of the covenant with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and yet He is the God of today. He is God of the present, your present …
I am praying for you… though you may be far away. God has loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3) and calls to you…
I am praying for you… that you will call to Yahweh, our Elohim and turn to Him and He will answer from heaven, bringing forgiveness and healing (2 Chronicles 7:14).
I am praying for you…