Tag: love

God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose

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Advent 2015: Love & Becoming

Today would have been my brothers’ 56th birthday… and I miss him. We were only 14 months apart. Where Mark went, I went. Where I went, Mark went. As Forest Gump would have said, “we were like peas and carrots”. My brother was not only brilliant, but Mark was such a fun-loving, energetic, and insightful…
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ADVENT 2015: Thy Kingdom Come… Meeting Y’eshua Face to Face

Advent began yesterday, Sunday November 29 and I had some thoughts…. We frequently pray for God’s Kingdom to come; “Yes, Come Lord Jesus, Messiah, Come…” as we should. But it is odd that if this is our desire, our call, our hope, why do we struggle with actually living out these words every day moment-by-moment.…
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Suffering Like a Good Soldier

James has been a Follower of Isa’ al Masih for about 18 months. He first heard about Jesus, God in flesh, sent for rescue, at his wife’s funeral. James lives a life described in Colossians 1: 5b-6, “You have already heard about this hope in the message of Truth, the Gospel that has come to…
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A Baby’s Birth: Signpost for a New Beginning

Her head is not any larger than my fist and covered in thick, dark hair. Her dark eyes occasionally blink open in clear, olive-brown skin with no signs of the customary charcoal markings that supposedly ward off evil spirits here. Even fully clothed, she weighs less than any baby doll in our house. While Christian…
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Arab Spring, Facebook & Ramadan

 As a result of the Arab Spring, Arabs across the Middle East are using social media more than ever before. On average they have over 100 friends, they are fans of 20 pages, and upload 444 pictures on Facebook. Of the people that are online in the Middle East, 88 percent use social media daily.…
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Rest for Southern Yemenis

Southern Yemeni Arabs number between 8 and 9 million people, and in general are less tribal and more educated than other segments in the country. If you meet a Yemeni outside of Yemen, chances are they will be from the South. For years Elizabeth had prayed for her husband Nathan, who did not know about…
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