God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose
“’I tell you,’ He replied, ‘if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out’” (Luke 19:40, NIV).
The season of Advent; preparing for the coming of Christ, Messiah-God in flesh,
What are you cooking tonight to break the fast? Are you making Qatayef this Ramadan? This question still makes Fatima uncomfortable. How should she answer her neighbors since she no longer cooks big Ramadan meals? Her discomfort with these conversations stems from the horror she felt on the day her new husband, Yusif told her…
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God who never sleeps or slumbers, is hard at work in the North Africa – Middle East region. He uses many unique and diverse ways to get our attention. One such way was predicted in the Old Testament book of Joel. “…I will pour out my Spirit on everyone: your sons and daughters will proclaim…
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Today, I am at peace. Such a silly thing to say. I just thought you should know. You see, and I know that I am on the rather dull side, I realized that life is not about me nor about you for that matter, its about God; fulfilling His mission and purpose. Certainly, I…
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Celebrate good times, come on! (Let’s celebrate) Celebrate good times, come on! (Let’s celebrate) There’s a party goin’ on right here A celebration to last throughout the years So bring your good times, and your laughter too We gonna celebrate your party with you I love that old song. Don’t you? Everyone loves a party……
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At Trafalgar Square in the city of London stands a statue of Lord Nelson. Resting atop a tall pillar, it towers too high for passersby to distinguish his features. For this reason, about forty years ago a new statue – an exact replica of the original – was erected at eye level so that everyone…
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Today would have been my brothers’ 56th birthday… and I miss him. We were only 14 months apart. Where Mark went, I went. Where I went, Mark went. As Forest Gump would have said, “we were like peas and carrots”. My brother was not only brilliant, but Mark was such a fun-loving, energetic, and insightful…
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“Thus says the Lord, ‘Stand by the ways and see, and ask for the ancient, [eternal, everlasting] paths, where the good [best] way is; and walk in it; and ye shall find rest for your souls,’” Jeremiah 6:16a. Today the Lord led me to this passage of scripture. It spoke volumes to me. The word…
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The other day I ran across the most interesting confession written by Mike Yaconelli. His words describe my thoughts and feelings exactly…with a large dash of hope. So here I stand, looking at the ground, smelling the faint fragrance of God. Never once did it occur to me that when I found God’s trail again,…
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