Suffering Like a Good Soldier

James has been a Follower of Isa’ al Masih for about 18 months. He first heard about Jesus, God in flesh, sent for rescue, at his wife’s funeral. James lives a life described in Colossians 1: 5b-6, “You have already heard about this hope in the message of Truth, the Gospel that has come to you. It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world, just as it has among you since the day you heard it and recognized God’s grace in the Truth”.
Since James came to know that Jesus was the only way to heaven and began a growing in relationship with living God, he has been a bold and faithful disciple who fishes for men and makes disciples. James is a living fulfillment of 2 Timothy 2:1-3. “My child, find your source of strength in the kindness of Christ Jesus. You’ve heard my message, and it’s been confirmed by many witnesses. Entrust this message to faithful individuals who will be competent to teach others. Join me in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. “
And for James his new faith has come with persecution, threats, and many difficulties, yet he continues to grow in faith and good works. James has a vision that there would be a church in every village in his region, and then in every village in his country. He believes nothing can stop it! God’s overwhelming Love has changed James’ life.
- Pray for the Father to raise up leaders who can grow these new believers
- Pray that fear would not hinder relationships between believers.
- Pray for these new Followers when persecution comes.
*These stories have been shared with this author by those you are at work in the world for Christ’s sake. All stories are edited for protection and retold with permission.