Ramadan: Dreams and Visions

God who never sleeps or slumbers, is hard at work in the North Africa – Middle East region. He uses many unique and diverse ways to get our attention. One such way was predicted in the Old Testament book of Joel.
“…I will pour out my Spirit on everyone: your sons and daughters will proclaim my message; your old people will have dreams, and your young people will see visions. At that time I will pour out my Spirit even on servants, both men and women” (Joel 2:28-29).
Many Muslim people have had dreams and visions of Jesus the Messiah. The dreams are often very personal and direct. God sends these dreams and visions to draw people to Himself, but His most prevalent tools are Jesus Followers who live and share their lives among the people groups or work in locales, such as colleges, sharing His Word and story. Very often an individual will hear the Good News of rescue and then tell their family what they have learned. Talia is one such individual.
Although many of her neighbors have never heard the true story about Jesus, even once, Talia and her family have heard about Him many times.
Being the oldest of ten children, when her mother died, Talia was sent from her village to live with an uncle in the city; she was to study, work, and send money back to the family. While in college, Talia and her cousin Haya first heard about Jesus; God in flesh, sent to cleanse shame and restore spiritual relationship through His death and resurrection. The girls met a foreign lady who told them the difference Jesus had made in her life. Although they were unconvinced, a deep friendship was formed. They had many conversations and one day they were given a Bible to read and discover if what she had said was true.
Haya’s entire family are very committed Muslims, but Haya had a desire to understand about Isa al Masih and the differences that were apparent in those that follow Christ. Talia loved the foreigners she met, but had little desire for any religion, but her own. As Haya and Talia were finishing college, their foreign friends left the country. Haya found work with the government that allowed her to have occasional interaction with other foreigners; she often asked them questions about their beliefs. Talia found work at a hospital where she was introduced to a believer she had met years before. Haya also had the opportunity again to ask questions about what she had been reading in the Bible. Talia was interested in understanding how Followers of Issa al Masih interact with God. Talia also loves listening to Christian music. Please pray for Talia and Haya.
- Please also pray that God will bring full understanding to those in this country who have heard the Truth.
- Please pray that many more will hear the Good News for the first time.
- Please pray for women who are seeking spiritual renewal to receive dreams and visions of Jesus during Ramadan.
- For more information and directed ways to pray during Ramadan go to: http://30daysprayer.com/
- Day One of Ramadan
- Day Two of Ramadan