Guarding our hearts…
Sometimes life events are so distracting… overwhelming… loud… brash … in your face… we long for a bit of peace… mind whirling, swirling… jumbling thoughts falling end-over-end, caught in a spinning vortex…
Thanks be to God who will lift us up, bring us truth… himself… His presence…and clarity of focus not because we now have an answer, the answer long looked for or that we know how it will all turn out… because we won’t, but trusting that God has the ball and he will run with it. He doesn’t need our help. God is omnipotent, after all. So funny, how we as puny, insignificant dirt cluds think we are needed to help God hold… solve… work the problem for him…acting, thinking, believing God is not big enough…
Philippians 4: 6 says, if we give our fears and cares to him, He will ‘guard our hearts with peace’. What does this mean? Well, as a puny, insignificant dirt clud, I think it means that if we trust God with our cares, anxieties, he will give us his favor, his blessing, his merciful grace by guarding our hearts. Think on this…It is as if God is a sentinel…… a strong and capable soldier on a impenetrable tower watching over us and scanning the horizon for trouble… looking intently for an approaching army. God will guard our back.
We also forget, I forget, that this is not just any peace. This is purchased peace. It was and is a costly peace that required a blood sacrifice that Christ, God in flesh, made for us, made for me. So, if God, would leave heaven, take on a puny, dirt clud mortal-form like ours and willingly give up himself so that you and I can have peace, why do we worry. God loves us that much!
With God for us, on that strong tower, who can be against us (Romans 8: 31)? He is God after all, resurrected… glorified… omnipotent… omnificent… on a throne in heaven, ruler of all that is created since he wasn’t… think on these things (Phil 4: 8-9)… Truth… God… his presence… and the God of peace will be with you!