Enduring Love

“One day when I have a family, I want it to be like yours”. Ahmed’s words are powerful. Our friendship has grown over the last several months. Honestly, I can’t recall how many meals he has shared with our family. Our conversations have covered so many topics. We have simply opened up our home and our family life to him. Ahmed is taken up by the noticeable differences he sees with us. “It’s strange, but good the way you love your family”. His words are striking. As he continues to open up to the truth of the good news, he questions the ‘norms’ of his life more and more. We discussed deep truths and even shared the Passover story during dinner this last Good Friday. Some of the truth is too deep for him. Yet he continues to return to our dinner table asking more and more questions. Please pray that our Father would feel the hunger of his soul, as Ahmed continues to focus on the hunger that drives his life.”
Act 13:32-34
“We are telling you the Good News: What God promised our ancestors has happened. God has fulfilled the promise for us, their descendants, by bringing Jesus back to life. This is what Scripture says in the second psalm: ‘You are my Son. Today I have become your Father.’ “God stated that he brought Jesus back to life and that Jesus’ body never decayed. He said, ‘I will give you the enduring love promised to David.’”
“Thank you Holy Father for sending Christ who embodies and is Enduring Love. Enduring Love left heaven, dwelt among us in flesh, suffered and died so that resurrection would prove and provide living grace and faithful mercy.
Everlasting, you made a promise- the blessings promised to David. Open our ears, and help us to listen so that we may live (Isaiah 55:3). Help us to know and know better Enduring Love. Amen’
Additional Prayers
- We pray for Muslims all around the world who are praying and fasting during Ramadan. We pray that You will draw them to Yourself, touching them with Enduring Love.

- We pray that You will open eyes and ears to hear to Your heavenly truth.
- We pray that You will prompt more Followers to open their homes and share dinner with those who do not know Enduring Love.
(permission to use this story was obtained from it’s originating author. Names have been changed to protect identities)