Category: Advent

God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose

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Mercy – Justice

Over the course of 2013, I have been exploring the different names for God. I have heard that there are over 400 names referenced in the bible and each one reveals a different part of God’s character. In the bible it says, God wants to reveal Himself to us. What a very interesting thought! The…
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The Heart of a Rebel-Totally His

Today is Lottie Moons birthday. I find it incredibly sad that young people, no- most of the church today, has no idea who Lottie Moon wass…. It is important for us to know of her; the story; the sacrifice; the leadership, her absolute obedience to the call of God on her life… It is important to know what God…
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Advent 2013: New Wine

No one uses a piece of new cloth to patch up an old coat, because the new patch will shrink and tear off some of the old cloth, making an even bigger hole. Nor does anyone pour new wine into used wineskins, because the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the…
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A Who Christmas…

This year we chose to celebrate a Who Christmas… A Who Christmas, what is that? You know the kind of Christmas patterned after the movie, How the Grinch stole Christmas, in which the Who’s of Whoville gather around a tree without presents and sing anyway. To be honest, I found it refreshing not to be…
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Christmas Unwrapped….

I have been seeking the perfect gift for you to unwrap this beautiful Christmas morn. And, at long last, on the eve of Christmas, our pastor reminded us of where it was hidden. The most perfect gift is Christ, the Messiah sent from heavens bliss. His name is Immanuel which means God with us and…
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Wrapped In Linen Swaddles…

The fullness of time (Ephesians 1: 10) had come and God became a human being (John 1: 14), born of a woman (Galatians 4: 4; Luke 1: 35), wrapped in swaddling clothes (Luke 2: 7) and born for us (Isaiah 9: 6; John 3: 16-17; Luke 2: 11). This event was long predicted. “God Himself…
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Good News….

There is nothing better than good news. It doesn’t matter how it comes, by mail, telephone, face to face, television, instant messaging… we love good news. Better still, is getting good news when it’s unexpected. We love surprises even more, if it is good news. The birth of a child used to be one of…
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Because The Star Is Shining Bright

Christmas can happen… because the Star is shining bright. Every year in December, I look forward to the day when they turn on the star. It is quite breathtaking actually, 20 feet tall and 200 foot candles shining brilliantly over the Elizabeth River. It takes my breath away… Bright white against the stark and empty…
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Hope. Hope is such a little word… It is just four letters and yet this little, one syllable word conveys such powerful meaning. If we were to take away the letter on the end of the word hope, we would find our word altered and yet, the change is ever so slight. Hope facilitates joy…
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Thoughts of Christmas…

When you hear the word Christmas, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? In America, many of us think about twinkle lights; merry Christmas wreaths; or the smell of incense burning while candle light flickers onto lofty wooden beams or high stone arches laid together by pious ancestors long dead but still…
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