Blog Journal

God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose

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A Prayer from the Injil (إنجيل)…

The Bible, or the Injil… إنجيل, tells us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life…
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Prayer for you…

Dawn is breaking and I am praying for you… I am praying for you… and the deep sadness you have been feeling. Getting out of bed… impossible … wrapped in a cocoon of bone-aching weariness. I am praying for you… God can turn your sadness and pain into joy. He is drawing you because you…
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Just A Little Prayer…

Just a quick little note today to let you know that I am praying for you… I am praying that you will look for God today and as you look, God would show you His glory… show you His glorious character, just for the sheer pleasure of letting you know that He is alive, He…
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Pilgrimage of Prayer… A Name…

I have something on my mind… No, it’s something in the back of my mind not quite in focus… it is a blurry, misty water-colored thought and yet, I can’t stop thinking about it. Don’t you hate that? You know something is bothering you but as to what, it’s not quite clear and for the…
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Pilgrimage Of Prayer: What’s In A Name?

In the book of Genesis there is an intriguing story about a man who becomes a father. Sounds pretty ordinary at the onset and it is. This father, as all first-time fathers, has a heart full of glorious dreams for his child and for their future. Again, there is nothing new about this scenario. This…
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40 day Pilgrimage of Prayer: My Father…

Over the last few years or so, I have had a desire to know a little something about my earthly father. He and my mother divorced when I was very young. We didn’t have any contact. My only connection to him was his name, just a name and well, his genetic line, but that’s pretty…
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Pilgrimage of Prayer

Today, Feb 22nd marks the beginning of Lent, which is a holiday commemorating 40 days until Easter. Many people around the world choose to honor God and remember the season by giving up or sacrificing, a comfort which is meaningful, important to daily life, and would be sorely missed, e.g. chocolate, meat, tasty foods, television,…
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Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

I love to travel! I might as well admit it. I love to travel. Admitting this secret desire is hard for me and I am not sure exactly why. I do know that my family would attest to my itchy feet, despite my blindness of the desire. But thinking about it now, whenever I hear…
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Master Teacher

A very long time ago, when just starting out and learning how to master the art of caring in nursing, I was extremely fearful. There was so much to remember. How does one integrate theoretical practice, pathophysiologic processes of the body, sickness… illness and therapeutic social interaction all at the same time? Overwhelming really, to…
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“As You Wish…”

“Love… twue love is what bwings us togevher today” (Movie quote, Princess Bride; 1987) Don’t you love that line and the movie, for that matter? One of our pastors’ recently reminded us of how great this movie was and still is. And he is right, “Princess Bride has to be one of the greatest movies…
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