Because The Star Is Shining Bright

Christmas can happen… because the Star is shining bright.
Every year in December, I look forward to the day when they turn on the star. It is quite breathtaking actually, 20 feet tall and 200 foot candles shining brilliantly over the Elizabeth River. It takes my breath away… Bright white against the stark and empty darkness mirroring back from the depths of the water.
The star is placed on the tallest building in the hospital complex, every year, every Christmas. The building is 15 stories. Originally it was built as a hospital to meet the growing demands for patient care, boasting a bed capacity for 778 patients but now serves as an Administration and Outpatient clinic.
I remember last year, coming home from a work trip in Italy and as I flew over Norfolk, the star was the first thing I recognized. I was home. I am not sure who started the tradition of placing the star on the building, but it serves as a beacon of hope, a modern day light house, if you will, calling forth to those who are sick, dying, trapped in despair and despondency, and in desperate need of healing.
Long ago, there was another star that was and is the ultimate beacon of hope. Wise men from the east were thrilled and excited…and when they saw Him, they fell down to worship Him… who is this Star of Bethlehem, who can bring hope to the hopeless, peace in chaos and turmoil, healing to the weak, and rest for those that are heavy laden, it is no other than Messiah, Christ the Lord (Matthew 2: 10-11).
Maybe you too have seen this Star of which I speak. Don’t be afraid, healing is close at hand. God has sent this bright light, the Star of Bethlehem and His promise of hope to the nations. He will give sight to the blind, he will set prisoners free from dark dungeons (Isaiah 42: 7). Receive healing and hope, begin anew. His light shines forth for all of us, giving us direction in all things and for all times.
Illuminate us Lord Jesus. Shine your light and love into our darkness. You are “our LORD and God, you are my lamp. You turn darkness to light…Your way is perfect, LORD, and your word is correct. You are a shield for those who run to you for help. You alone are God! Only you are a mighty rock. You are my strong fortress, and you set me free. You make my feet run as fast as those of a deer, and you help me stand on the mountains. You clear the way for me, and now I won’t stumble. (2 Samuel 22: 29; 31-34; 37).
Your steadfast love… never ceases; [Your] mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. (Lamentations 3: 22-26)