God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose
I think last week it was, I shared that I had been reading, The Hiding Place. If you haven’t read this book before, it is the life story of Corrie ten Boom and her family who lived before and during World War II. In 1939 Corrie ten Boom was 47 years old and lived with…
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I love animals… I always have and over the years, I have enjoyed the companionship of a menagerie of child hood pets, my living “lovees”. I have loved cats and dogs… budgies and cockatiels… guinea pigs, chinchillas, mice, and hamsters… sheep, jumping, popcorn baby goats, horses and feisty, rabble-rousing open-all-the-stalls-and-door-to-the-grain room, pony. This deep love…
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“What a day for a daydream… what a day for a day dreamin’ boy. I’m lost in a daydream. Dreaming bout my bundle of joy”… Do you remember that old song, sung by The Lovin’ Spoonful? Singing about daydreams is a fairly common theme, as I found out when I was looking up the lyrics…
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The last two weeks I have been fixated on the act of forgiveness. I guess, it is because I have been rereading, The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom. Gary Chapman reiterates her words by saying, “Forgiveness is the choice to love rather than demand justice”. Do you believe this? Do I believe this? To…
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When I was a little girl of maybe 4 or 5, curiosity almost did me in. It happened on a lovely summer afternoon while camping in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Our campsite was chosen by my grandfather and it was gloriously pristine and beautifully breathtaking. Almost virtually isolated from the outside world of mankind, we…
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Whenever I read Psalm 104, I can’t but be reminded of Sonnet 43, written by the Victorian poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Both pros are simply lovely to read, intensely passionate, and provide such creative descriptions, that it is no wonder we breath in deeply, holding in each word, until nearly bursting, and at last collectively,…
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Yesterday, no the day before, I received some shocking news. When bad news comes, we never expect it, don’t want it, and hope disparately that it isn’t true… a mistake, yes, yes, it has to be a mistake. Please let it be a mistake… But after the initial jolt, undoubtedly, my first reaction is FEAR.…
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It happened the other day while working, teaching actually, I had an epiphany. The curricula were not new, no, far from it. I have been wearing these words like an old familiar jacket. I still find it surprising that such a profound thought would come during the monotony of the morning… one mundane moment not…
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My favorite food in the entire world, hands down, has to be honey and biscuits. Most people, especially southerners who enjoy this tasty treat might say, I love biscuits and honey, but for me, honey and biscuits truly are the bee’s knees. I know… bad pun. Biscuits do not make the honey. Au, contraire, honey…
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“A Prayer of David. Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you–you are my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day. Gladden the soul of your…
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