Author: Sharon

God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose

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To the nations…

The last few weeks I have been studying about God’s relationship with Moses… God’s law that was given… about holiness and God’s plan to teach all nations about Himself. God is holy and wants us, all of us to be holy and consecrated-set apart-devoted to Him… but there is this problem… we aren’t holy. We…
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To Remember…

I read a really poignant blog today and I thought you would enjoy it as much as I… I especially like the part that talks about the concept of praying scripture, so please look at that part… you will know it when you see it. It is at the bottom of the page, but worth…
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The End Of Summer… New Beginnings

I saw the last lone firefly while walking after dusk last night. He was flashing alone, in the dark, either looking for a meal or a mate…. I don’t know for which he was searching… I’d like to think he was looking for a companion, but I guess in a bug’s world, the other bug…
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Praying Always!

I love a routine. And for me, I like to watch the news during dinner. However, following the news these days, especially with the unrest around the world and then the inevitable political fall-out due to the Presidential Election, is not good for digestion. Moreover, being a fix-it person, it is hard to know the…
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Stars Of Promise

Before dawn the last couple of mornings, the night sky has been perfect for star gazing. There have been moonless nights, the skies were crystal and Orion, the Hunter stood watch. Orion is one of the most magnificent constellations, and one of the easiest to find, for many of us. It is located in the…
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A Consecrated Life…

Of late, I have been pondering, the concept of living a consecrated life… What is consecration? The Holman Bible Dictionary, states consecration refers “to persons or things being separated to or belonging to God. They are holy or sacred. They are set apart for the service of God”. In the Old Testament, there was a…
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Butterfly… Butterfly, Little Flutterby…

It’s Fall… and with it, fluttering butterflies … Flutterby’s, as my little girlies used to say… migrating south. I don’t think I can ever remember a time when I have seen so many flutterbys… Tender and fragile, little Flutterbys… you flit, float and fan a kaleidoscope of colors. How glorious to behold! I drink it…
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Light & Darkness… Conversatons

I woke up this morning… nothing special… pouring coffee… opening the laptop… reading and then, God changed me. God spoke… God said….Job 12:22 “I uncover mysteries hidden in the darkness and bring gloom into the light”. I said, Yes Lord. “Only You reveal hidden truth… because You are Truth… Your word is a truth and…
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Tendered By The Father

He grew up poor and barefoot in a small, southern town in the states. The youngest of eleven children, he had little much to call his own. Clothing, toys, and the few possessions he owned had belonged to someone else before it was given to him… and he longed for more. So at an early…
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Hope For The Anthill

I have been traveling the last few weeks… And while traveling about, I observed people… people running here and there, this way and that, going places. Traveling… traveling to visit family and friends… traveling to some exotic locale for a change of view… traveling to work, for business, or to start life anew…. I observed,…
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