God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose
There is nothing so beautiful as bird song… And the prettiest bird song by far is canary song. Being in a cage is not a problem for a canary. They sing, despite the cage. Why sing, when you live in such a dismal existence that totally lacks freedom? Simply, canaries do not view the cage…
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This morning I got up thinking about Ishmael… I read a prayer recently that he wrote and it was so sad, because he doesn’t know that God loves him… He said, “Allah we also all, witness you that we love you, wishing that you would love us….” I thought I would re-post this post from…
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Here I am… seeking pilgrimage, attempting to climb the summit, longing to see a picturesque, panoramic view, but finding with each step, that the shale sends me slip, sliding back, far back into the valley, under heavy, dew-laden boughs, not overlooking them. What’s more, I hate the continuous drip, drip, dripping on my head. Those…
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Don’t you just love the books written by J.R.R. Tolkien? It is hard to pin point exactly why many of us are absolutely enthralled with the literary genus of his work… it’s not just the writing style, which is exquisite, but perhaps it could be the themes within the writing … For me, I love…
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As you have already guessed, my spouse is now home from the Middle East and our part in telling God’s story of hope and rescue has been silenced, at least for now. I do want to thank you for reading these God stories as they point to a loving, gracious God who initiates a relationship…
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It is hard to believe my days and nights in the Middle East are almost up and 28 short days have come and gone. Each moment spent has been filled with exotic food and aromas, the meaningful work of plumbing, building and settling my family into a new domicile, as well as many new experiences…
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Bridges can take a long time to build. Take, for instance the case of building a bridge on a river or a waterway; it is no easy task. Before construction can begin, many factors must be taken into consideration such as site location and access, the terrain or water the bridge will span which no…
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It’s been awhile since there was a post…. You may have been wondering, why isn’t there a story YET? Living in the Middle East, you grow accustom to a different type of life than what we are used to and to what we expect. Here we learn to live a ‘life without’ bacon, ham, vanilla…
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I want to tell you a story. It is one that I feel very compelled to share, but have been reluctant to do so for fear that it will be misinterpreted… but of late, I there is an urgency to it, so I am going to waylay my fears and dive in. Recently several friends…
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It’s been almost two weeks since I left my comfort zone to travel to a Muslim country. And I suppose, some would say this country is one of the ‘least of these’ in that it is still trying to creep into the post industrial age while trying to creep away from the Arab spring. And…
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