God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose
I ran across this article the other day and immediately wanted to re-post it… It is from a prayer site blog called “Vigilant Warriors” “Have you taken a look at the news headlines lately? I’m not referring to the U.S. headlines, nor the generic world headlines. The news banners I speak of are world religious…
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God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good. We say that a lot, passing in hallways and greeting one another but do we really believe it? Last weekend while walking my faithful friend, I was contemplating the goodness of God. Without God, there would be no goodness. Can you imagine…
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I wanted to thank you, for faithfully stopping by… perchance, to spend a moment together over coffee or a cuppa… I apologize for not posting of late. I don’t know about you, but I have really missed our time together. After my last post on 1 Peter 3-5, some 9 days ago (has it really…
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I read a good word yesterday… my prayer is that you would read it, but before I attach the link, I want to bless you with this verse “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect,…
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This morning, drawn to Joshua 1 quickened by Living Grace, Etha’nan. We all need encouragement from time to time. Do you need hope from God today? The Lord your God is with you as the God of power and that power is engaged for you wherever you go. Just as God was with Moses (the…
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Here I am… seeking pilgrimage, climbing the summit and longing to see the picturesque, panoramic view; to breath, in deep, ragged breaths; to take in fresh, clean, effervescent energy, but finding with each step, the rocky shale sends me back, back to the valley; slip, sliding back under heavy, dew-laden boughs, not overlooking them. I…
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I discovered a new name for Christ. One of the names I have been using of late, is Living Grace, Etha’nan which is similar, but not quite. I started unconsciously, at first, but now that I am aware, finding descriptive names for Christ has been beneficial and good. I needed a way to identify his…
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1 Peter 2: 7 “To you who believe, Jesus Christ is precious”. The other day, after pondering the above scripture and I questioned, “Is Christ precious to me?” And, of course He is. I am curious… Is Christ precious to you? If so, why? Why, don’t you review the post entitled, “Precious”. It has been…
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1 Peter 2: 7 “To you who believe, Jesus Christ is precious”. Recently, I was reading about a man who decided to personalize this scripture and write down three reasons why Christ was precious to him. What a great idea and assignment! It inspired me to do the same. Christ is indeed precious, but…
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