Let us give thanks to God
for the wonder of new life,
for his gifts so generous given to us,
and for the blessings we each abundantly receive.
For the beauty of creation,
for all things seen and unseen.
We give you thanks, O God. Psalm 75.1
For the gift of life that you breathe into us,
for minds to think, hearts to love, and hands to serve.
We give you thanks, O God.
For our families and friends,
for all who we love and who love us,
for your image revealed through those around us.
We give you thanks, O God.
For life of your church,
its vibrancy and diversity,
for the mission in which we all share.
We give you thanks, O God.
For the vocations in which you call us,
for the skills which are nurtured and grow,
for our ministries in all walks of life.
We give you thanks, O God.
For your creativity planted in each person,
for voices to sing our praises to you,
for our capacity to create.
We give you thanks, O God.
For your love which brings us peace even in the darkest of times,
for your strength when we feel weak and vulnerable,
for your hope when all seems lost.
We give you thanks, O God.
For all financial gifts offered to our church,
for blessings offered to be a blessing to others,
for sacrifices made to further mission and enable us to be Christ in the world.
We give you thanks, O God.
For the generosity of this community,
for all who give their time and skills,
for the gifts which are built up and encouraged,
for acts which point beyond themselves and reveal your glory.
We give you thanks, O God.
For you, O God,
for your beauty revealed in all things around us,
for love and life everlasting.
We give you thanks, O God.
For the wisdom of your Spirit,
for gifts given and nurtured,
for sustaining us in prayer.
We give you thanks, O God.
For your Son, Jesus Christ,
for the gift of his perfect sacrifice,
for our hope in him, and the joy of serving his Church.
We give thanks to you, O God.
Copied from: The Church of England website: https://www.churchofengland.org/